Saturday, March 11, 2006

Operation: Unpack. Status:Complete-ish

I've been living here for 5 1/2 months now and unofficially, I've officially finished unpacking. Sad, isn't it? 

No place is complete until you get something on the walls. Or a couple of somethings. I've been staring at blank walls for almost half a year now and finally I could stand it no more. So I've hung things on the wall. 

Well, I say "hung"... I mean, they're here ready to be hung but presently they're sitting on the floor. I'm about to hang them. Really! Well, not in a Basil Fawlty "I'm doing it, I'm DOING it!" sort of way, more in an "eh, I'll get to it later" sort of way. 

They're in the process of being hung and that's what counts really. They are in the vicinity of hung-ness. Approaching completion. Who am I kidding? They'll probably sit on the floor for another two weeks while I walk by them and think "I'm so happy my pictures are finally done" even though if you want to get really technical, they are in fact not done. 

The point is the damn things aren't packed away anymore. They are close to their final destination and it's only taken 5 1/2 months...of course, I've only got a 7 month lease and it's pretty likely I'll move to a different town in the area once it's up.......which means I'll be moving, in theory, in about six weeks. So I suppose I'll have to pack everything up again....

::silence:: ::crickets::

RIGHT! Hurry up::sound of boxes being pulled out::
Put it all back the box!