Friday, April 18, 2014

Long Story/Short Story: Once more into the breach, dear friends.

Long story:
I stood there, frozen, staring at it like a jockey thrown from a horse; knowing that it had to be now or never. I must overcome the fear that paralyzed me. 

I looked at it with suspicion. Was it homicidal? Had I gotten something wrong the previous time?  A foot placed a fraction of an inch away from where it should have been?  A momentary lack of concentration?  Had I just gotten too arrogant?  The process such a daily routine that I had taken for granted the risks?

I looked down, inspecting the blue and purple bruises blooming over my skin. I could still feel the stiffness and slow throbbing of strained joints. Had it really only been 48 hours?  

I had forgotten to respect that which can kill you and I had paid the price. Not the ultimate price, no. I had escaped. Barely. A different day, it could have been lights out. 

I took stock of my injuries. Never again, I told myself, never again. 

I approached it slowly. Don't spook it, I thought. Easy does it. Nice and slow. With each halting step, the pain reminded me of our last encounter. 

My eyes narrowed with suspicion as I looked it up and down.  I would remember to respect its power but by God, I would not buckle to fear. 

Slowly, cautiously, I drew aside the shower curtain and stepped inside. 

Short story:
I slipped and fell in the shower last week. Seriously. What am I? 65? No, I have no excuse, I really ought to be able to remain upright in a shower without supervision. Anyway, it happened. That split second when you're certain you're about to crack your head open and be found unconscious (and naked) in your bathroom will really get your heart rate up. Also, you think for a brief moment that you ought not to have mocked the LifeAlert adverts ("Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!").  On the brigtside, it happened when someone was on their way to my house so it was at least comforting to know that it wouldn't take them days to find me.  Bumps and impressive bruises aside, I was fine and yet, it was still with a surprising degree of nervousness that I stepped back into the shower. Tentatively. Two days later. That's right. It took me two days. Shut up...