- Birth Certificate: indicating birth of GIRL driver.
- British Passport: indicating FEMALE driver and citizen under protection of British High Consul.
- US Passport: indicating travel of WOMAN driver to various exotic locales in last few years.
- Photos of me wearing swim suit: thus showing proof of girly bits in question.
- Sworn affidavits from various ex-boyfriends testifying to my ownership of other girly bits not allowed to be shown in above mentioned photos.
- Favourites (6)
- Life / Universe / Everything (23)
- Long Story / Short Story (1)
- Me v's The World Rants (10)
- Rants (2)
- Sports (2)
- Travel (3)
- Vengeful Travel Gods (7)
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
RMV Performs Miracle Sex Change
Tuesday, October 3, 2006
The News
Typically Americans are given grief for not knowing what's going on outside their borders and in general being pretty abysmal at geography. The jokes are pretty standard and cemented in the minds of those abroad. If you watch the local news, it's pretty apparent what they're on about. I'm mean the news here is pretty, er, localised shall we say? " School children in Pine Hills are assembling the largest noodle picture on construction paper in the history of modern education. Weighing in at 3 tons and requiring enough pasta to feed a small army, they've been hard at work for weeks..."
Being hyper conscious of this, I've always made it a policy to try to catch headlines for international news at the very least. Since I studied Political Science at university it was a requirement, since graduation I am at bare minimum a skimmer of global news.
The trouble is that I've just about stopped watching local news. As such the typical American 'localised news malady' if not in effect with me. My particular affliction seems to manifest itself in reverse. The result is that I'm happy to update you on the 'local' news of the military coup in Thailand, give you an opinion on the Israel/Lebanon conflict or brief you on what I glimpsed about a dengue fever outbreak in India. The part which now plagues my mother's already fragile internal maternal alarm is that I have no idea what is actually happening in my own part of the world. When I say my own part of the world, I'm talking less about America and more about say Florida or western Florida or if you want to get technical the towns I work and live in.
Let me demonstrate the scope of this by saying the last storm alert we had for a hurricane, people were gearing up as is their wont and I strolled into work one morning, cool as a cucumber, not a worry in my head beyond work. Everyone asks about my plans for the predicted storm. It's rather disturbing to have to look at a small number of concerned faces and answer "what storm?"
"The storm that's all over the news!" People and Amanda in particular exclaim to me.
"I didn't hear about it..." I say defensively.
"Well, what the hell are you watching?" they ask.
"BBC World News...did you know Israel sent ground troops into Lebanon yesterday?"
So Amanda has, I believe, (much to my mother's relief not doubt) taken on the responsibility of ensuring that should we have a major storm that I'm verbally alerted in person and relocated to a safe place.. as opposed to still sitting in my living room glued to the latest middle eastern conflict on BBC while the entire state evacuates around me.
In my defense, this is probably why I missed the thing about the spinach too. My mother rang and said "I wanted to make sure you knew about the spinach."
"What about spinach?" I asked.
"You're not to eat it if it's bagged, there's been an Ecoli breakout!" she warned.
"What before lunch?" I asked.
"What? Days ago. What lunch? What did you have for lunch?"
"Salad.... with a bit of spinach"
"Well how much spinach is that?'
"I dunno," I answer "enough for a full plate of salad. Like a half bag or something."
"A half a bag? Bagged spinach? You ate bagged spinach? Why would you do that?" she asked as if I'd just told her I'd taken a bath with the hairdryer plugged in as a dare.
"No reason not to." I answered reasonably.
"IT'S ALL OVER THE NEWS! HOW DID YOU NOT KNOW, CHILD?" You can tell she's getting exasperated when she calls me 'child.'
"I was watching BBC....hey, did you hear about China?"
It is a testament to my mother's concern for her children, despite our advancing ages, that she will call me later that night to ensure I haven't some how become infected with the bacteria since lunch that day. It is a testament to her penchant for worrying that will lead her to leave a message saying that she's now even more worried because I haven't answered the phone and would I please call her back as soon as possible so she knows I'm not bacteria ridden.
It's unclear if my calling her back the second I got the message, is a testament to my wanting to reassure her I was okay or that I was too impatient to wait an extra day to make fun of her for the latest worry-wart-mum tale which I'm adding to my collection. We'll just go with the dutiful daughter theory, shall we?
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Boarding and TSA Security
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Check In
Sunday, July 16, 2006
The Great Cucumber Debate
I went grocery shopping and the woman at the check out asked me what I was planning to do with the cucumber. This caught me off guard, more so as the rest of my shopping (meat, lettuce, spinach leaves, carrots and celery) seemed to lend itself to the idea that I might be about to make a salad of some sort.
She wanted to know how I was going to eat the cucumber. What sort of question is that? When I advised her most of it was going into the salad and the rest might be used with cheese and crackers she found this puzzling and told me that was a foreign thing to her and anyway most people don't buy cucumbers. Whole thing was just bizarre, do Americans not eat cucumbers? Am I the sole cucumber seeker in U.S. super markets?
Saturday, July 1, 2006
Bastards, Bleeps and Bias
Straining upon the start. The game's afoot:
Follow your spirit, and upon this charge
Cry 'God for
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Baby Radar
What inescapable law of nature is it, do you suppose, that dictates that any child on any flight will cry at ear splitting decibels for almost the entire length of the journey and inevitably stop and fall asleep ten minutes prior to landing? Its the equivalent of a human egg timer for any one using laptops, gameboys and mp3 players on a plane.
Saturday, June 3, 2006
Solace in the Arms of Three Lions
We played our last two international friendlies this week beating Hungary 3-1 and this morning, I got up early to watch us play Jamaica. We just won 6-0.
Good things are coming. It's been exactly 40 years since we won the world cup. We've got our retro kits this year. I'm sporting my own England jersey with my Corona boxers this morning. Sexy!
So, here's my disclaimer: the next four weeks are all World Cup. I shall be distracted and potentially uncommunicative. So it'll be just like now only I'll be mumbling to myself out loud about football instead of the usual annoyances. How sweet it is.
Good luck out there to rest of you one billion viewers supporting your national teams but make way, the three lions are coming through!
[Editor's note: should all communication cease abruptly prior to the World Cup Final on 9th July, please check team standings and obituaries.]
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Operation: Unpack. Status:Complete-ish
No place is complete until you get something on the walls. Or a couple of somethings. I've been staring at blank walls for almost half a year now and finally I could stand it no more. So I've hung things on the wall.
Well, I say "hung"... I mean, they're here ready to be hung but presently they're sitting on the floor. I'm about to hang them. Really! Well, not in a Basil Fawlty "I'm doing it, I'm DOING it!" sort of way, more in an "eh, I'll get to it later" sort of way.
They're in the process of being hung and that's what counts really. They are in the vicinity of hung-ness. Approaching completion. Who am I kidding? They'll probably sit on the floor for another two weeks while I walk by them and think "I'm so happy my pictures are finally done" even though if you want to get really technical, they are in fact not done.
The point is the damn things aren't packed away anymore. They are close to their final destination and it's only taken 5 1/2 months...of course, I've only got a 7 month lease and it's pretty likely I'll move to a different town in the area once it's up.......which means I'll be moving, in theory, in about six weeks. So I suppose I'll have to pack everything up again....
::silence:: ::crickets::
RIGHT! Hurry up! ::sound of boxes being pulled out::
Put it all back the box!
Wednesday, February 1, 2006
Thank You Note
You're a c*ck sucker. I hate you. Best wishes for a speedy demise.
After numerous queries as to Dave's crime, the following elaboration has been offered.
I put in a request to have my clothes dryer repaired at the end of December. Dave is the d*****bag who was supposed to fix my dryer on the 2nd January. And the 6th January. And the 11th January. Have I mentioned the 16th January yet? No, I must have overlooked it as I was, oh so, excited to hear that he'd fix it by the 20th January. This is the same Dave the d*****bag who rumour had it would definitely fix my dryer on the 21st.
The Management office had a good feeling about the 23rd, apparently on that day Dave's chakras were supposed to align so he'd be able to DO HIS JOB. On the 27th, they promised he'd be here on Monday the 30th.
On Tuesday, I had to use my angry voice from work and my colleague very nearly had to take the phone away from me. Today, which I might add is now February, I called FOUR times from work. By some miracle that shall never be repeated in my lifetime, DAVE managed to SQUEEZE my dryer into his busy schedule.
He left me a note, saying he'd fixed it. I thought I should send him a thank you card. I hate you Dave. I hope you fall into a ditch. Failing that I hope a bird pecks your eye out.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Brain Damage
Yesterday I was writing an email to an account trying to explain why a reconciliation was still pending [read: late] and someone started speaking to me about a cup of tea I'd left nearby…subsequent email was very nearly sent with a line that read: “difficulty reconciling the RA deductions as we are currently drinking.” Classy.
Wednesday, January 4, 2006
Do Over!
The year thus far has been filled with aggravation and sleep deprivation. I've barely slept the last two nights due to a combination of delayed flights and unwanted drama. Therefore, I am taking the following actions to ensure I don't write off 2006 immediately.
Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life...its also 1st January as far as I'm concerned. I'm voiding the last three days. Hence tomorrow, to the rest of the world, will be 5th January but for me it will be 1st of January. Tonight, I am going to leave work on time, and go straight to bed to catch up on sleep. When I wake up...it will be a new year.
I'm sure this transition will accomplish the mental state I require to move forward in life and ask you all to bear in mind when we make plans that I'm now on a different calender (just like the Chinese). 28th February to you, will be 24th February to me. I apologize for the inconvenience of you're having to manage dual calenders but appreciate your dedication to our friendship.
In fact to add some spice, and in keeping with the Chinese, I may change my year also. 2005, for example, will be referred to as "Year of the University Degree"; 2004, "Year of the Hospital"....2006 of course will be "Year of the Do-Over". Happy New Year!