Sunday, December 2, 2007

The Dreaded Lurgy

Well, it's a been a week now. And I'm still sick. ::cough::cough::inhale::cough::

I spent Wednesday in bed, with my laptop, instead of at work and essentially all day was spent practicing my moaning (death scene not sex scene variety in case there was any confusion in my neighbours minds).
On the bright side... is there a bright side? Er, ok, well the fever's gone. That's good news. I'm no longer forced to walk around my apartment wearing two layers topped off with a hooded sweatshirt and blanket while people ask meekly if they can put a fan on since I've refused to have the air conditioning on. So that's something I suppose.
I also no longer resemble this:
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which is how I've spent most of the past 4 days feeling and more regrettably looking.

Alas, it's now turned into a cough in the chest over the weekend which I shall tell you now, from a seven-time bronchitis winner and three-time runner up, is not good news. Tomorrow, I will finally venture to a clinic for some sort of antibiotic. Since my voice is now back at least I'll be able to tell them what's wrong with me.